Sywawa revamps the traditional straw beach parasol.

Tahiti parasols gesloten

Sywawa is expanding its collection of designer parasols for 2017 with the colourful Tahiti.

Designer Mark Gabbertas:
”The Tahiti parasol is a contemporary reinterpretation of the traditional straw beach parasol that is strikingly reminiscent of distant and exotic beaches”.

Tahiti open parasols

Iconic and contemporary

Mark Gabbertas likes to see how far he can go in re-inventing an existing and well-known iconic object by experimenting with materials, shapes and colours. With the Tahiti parasol, he is making a completely contemporary statement based on an age-old model.

Design philosophy

In accordance with the Sywawa design philosophy, he seeks out astonishment and admiration by introducing beauty in the traditional world of the classic parasol. Gabbertas conjures up glorious colours in a previously monochrome environment.

About Mark Gabbertas

Mark Gabbertas lives and works in London and is a leading designer of outdoor furniture. He is an established designer of the renowned Gloster. Gabbertas has previously worked in the world of advertising and trained as a cabinet maker. He considers his lack of formal design training as an asset and today, he is very much in demand as a designer in England.

Character and balance

His designs exude character in their simplicity. This ‘simplicity’ conceals the complex engineering and production techniques behind them. Each design reflects his demanding personality and vision. Exploring the visual and functional potential of each design in great detail, he fine-tunes his ideas until he has struck the right balance between timeless and new.

Find more details and pictures of the Tahiti Parasol.